Hard Card

Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2) (a) A ball is out of bounds when it is beyond any wall, fence or line of white stakes defining a boundary. On the 3rd Hole the far side of lake is the boundary.

2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17) (a) Opposite Side Same Distance Relief for Red Penalty Areas The Additional Local Rules sheet will specify which (if any) red penalty areas have a same distance option on the opposite side. Model local rule B-2.1 will apply only to the penalty areas that are listed. (b) Opposite Side Relief Where Ball last Crossed Edge of Penalty Area Where Edge and Boundary of Course Coincide. Model Local Rule B-2.2 is in effect. It amends the first paragraph of B-2.1. when a player’s ball is found in or it is known or virtually certain to have come to rest in any red penalty area where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area at a point that coincides with the boundary of the course.

3. Abnormal Course Conditions (Rule 16.1) Ground Under Repair (a) All areas indicated by Ground Under Repair notice. (b) All areas bounded by white lines including spectator crossing points where bounded by white lines. (c) Seams of cut turf: Model Local Rule F-7 is in effect (d) Holes left by movable obstructions in parts of the general area. (e) Relief is available for lie of ball or area of intended swing from any painted yardage spot situated in any closely mown area in the general area.
Immovable Obstructions (a) White lined areas adjoining any areas defined as immovable obstructions are to be treated as a single abnormal course condition. (b) Landscaped garden areas and everything growing in them that are completely surrounded by an immovable obstruction are part of the obstruction. (c) Roads or paths surfaced with woodchip or mulch. Individual pieces are loose impediments. (d) Staked Trees (NOTE: no free relief available for trees with wrapping only)

4. Embedded Ball (Rule 16.3) Model Local Rule F-2.2 is in effect and Rule 16.3 is modified in this way: “No free relief is allowed for a ball embedded in the stacked turf face above a bunker”.

5. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Greens Model Local Rule F-5 is in effect but is modified as follows: For a ball in the general area, relief is allowed only when both the ball and the immovable obstruction lie in an area cut to fairway height or less.
The pylon for power lines between 18th and 2nd fairway and all shelter’s on the course.

6. Integral Objects (a) Wires, cables or wrapping where they are closely attached to trees or other permanent objects. (b) Retaining artificial walls and pilings when located within Penalty Areas. (c) Bunker liners in their intended position. (d) Artificially stacked materials in the bunker face.

7. Permanent Overhead Power Lines Model Local Rule E-11 is in effect but only for a ball which strikes only the power line located in bounds and not the supporting pole. (Stroke is cancelled and must be replayed).

8. Pace of Play (Rule 5.6b(3)) In the absence of mitigating circumstances, a group is liable to be timed if it is in excess of the time allowed and in the case of second or subsequent groups, out of position. From the commencement of timing, if any player exceeds 50 seconds on a ‘first to play approach shot (including Par 3 tee shot), chip or putt’, or 40 seconds if it is a tee shot or ‘second or third to play shot’, they are deemed to have had a ‘bad time’. The time allowed will be determined by the Tournament Director and will be published on the official notice board. Out of position is defined as being more than the starting interval behind the group in front. A player whose group is timed will have a bad time carried forward in the round even if the group subsequently arrives back in position or within time.
1 Bad time Verbal warning from Referee Stroke Play Match Play
2 Bad Times Penalty of One Stroke Loss of Hole
3 Bad Times Further Penalty of Two Strokes Loss of Hole
4 Bad Times Disqualification
Disqualification Notes: (1) Players will be advised that they are being timed. (2) Timings will be taken from the moment it is deemed by the Official that it is the player’s turn to play. (3) In some circumstances, an individual player, or two players within a group of three, may be timed instead of the entire group.

9. Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7) The following signals will be used to suspend and resume play: Immediate Stop/dangerous situation - 1 prolonged note of the siren. Normal non-dangerous stop - 3 consecutive short notes of the siren. Resume play - 2 consecutive short notes of the siren.

10. Transportation Model Local Rule G-6 is in effect. Rule 4.3a is modified in this way: “During a round a player or caddie must not ride on any form of motorised transportation except as authorised by the rules committee”. (A player taking a stroke and distance penalty is always authorised). Exception: Amateurs may ride in buggies in Pro-Am events. PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULES Match Play – Loss of Hole Stroke Play – Two Strokes


The rules and eligibility for all competition and matches are in the competitions book in the changing rooms.
1. Returning of Scorecard A player’s scorecard is deemed as officially returned to the Committee when he has left the recording computer and placed in box/
2. Results of the Competition – Competition Closed When the final result sheet is first placed on the results book and on How did I do website, the result of the competition is deemed to have been officially announced.
3. All stroke play ties will be resolved by net count back, unless rules of competition state otherwise.

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Currently open
24.09.2024 08:44
View Status
Course Open - No Restrictions

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